Standing for Truth in a “Woke” Climate-Change Agenda 

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Have you heard about this?

More than 1,600 scientists agree that global warming is a total hoax, and not just global warming, but the entire climate crisis that the radical left has been pushing for years.

Many of us remember back in the seventies when they were trying to convince people that we were headed for an ice age. Now they’ve switched gears, claiming that our planet is heating up so much that future generations should expect drought and famine. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Recently, John Clauser, the 2022 Nobel Prize winner in physics, signed a document agreeing with hundreds of scientists who are calling this global emergency a complete sham. You can actually discern this truth just by reading the Bible, but if you have any lingering doubts, I’d like to ask you to read this article.

This article will walk you through numerous false climate-change predictions that world leaders, the media, and “scientists” have been dishing out since the 1960s. These fabricated theories have caused a lot of people to get into fear and allow the devil to eat their lunch and pop the bag. But fear should have no place in the heart of a believer.

John 8:32 says that the truth that you know will set you free, and that’s the reason I’m writing you today. I don’t want you to be ignorant about the ungodly agenda to get an entire generation to believe these lies, lose hope, and get into fear.

With all the ungodly agendas being celebrated today, we all need to stand up for truth now more than ever.

Again, I encourage you to please take time to read this article and get the truth on the inside of you.

While there is much turmoil around us, you shouldn’t lose hope. I firmly believe that we are in the midst of a third great awakening, and we will witness a powerful move of God. But God works through people. So please get involved and discover the role the Lord has for you in these unfolding events.

The best is yet to come.

In Christ,

Andrew Wommack Signature


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