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The Holy Spirit: Your Source of Comfort!

Saunas, hot tubs, pillows, naps, and mac & cheese—to many, these things elicit feelings of comfort. Our bodies long for comfort, especially after physical labor, such as the time my family and I took an eight-mile hike through the mountainous terrain of a Colorado state park. It was grueling, to say the least. My feet ached, my back was sore, and my stomach growled in protest of hunger. However, I did have the hope of comfort ahead of me. When I got home, I would fall into a soft bed covered in comfy blankets and far more pillows than are necessary. 

No doubt, people long for comfort. Thankfully, as believers, we have been given a source of comfort that never leaves us and that can help us overcome any difficulty we may face. That source of comfort is the Holy Spirit. 

And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever

John 14:16 

Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as our comforter. How amazing to think that no matter what we go through, the most powerful source of comfort we could ever want is always available to us. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines comfort as “to give strength and hope to, to cheer; to ease the grief or trouble of, to console.” Whether we need encouragement, strength, consoling, or hope, it’s always there for us through the Holy Spirit. 

In The New You & The Holy Spirit, Andrew Wommack reminds us that “wherever you go, whatever you do, God Himself will be with you!” 

This is the most comforting thought I could ever imagine! In any situation, we need not experience trouble. The Holy Spirit helps control any thought that is counter to the Word of God and allows us to not have circumstances dictate our feelings or emotions. The comfort we receive in our spirits can flow to our minds and bodies. 

However, we must first access the Holy Spirit before we can receive His benefits. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the Christian life. Jesus Himself did not manifest the power of God until he had been baptized in the Holy Spirit, saying: 

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. 

Matthew 3:16 

After this experience, Jesus began his public ministry, which was full of powerful preaching, healing, miracles, and the casting out of demons. Andrew further explains the Baptism of the Holy Spirit: 

The baptism in the Holy Spirit makes God’s power available to you. Although you’re not automatically transformed into a victorious Christian, you’ll experience increasing victory as you draw out His power by faith. 

The Holy Spirit doesn’t just give us comfort; He can do much more in our lives, including teaching us and testifying to us of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is our power source, and it is through Him that we see miracles, healings, and more. 

Whether you hope for encouragement, miracles, or knowledge, look to the Holy Spirit. He is more soothing and refreshing than any temporary comfort this world can offer. His power always flows and can overcome anything in this world. 

Learn more about the Holy Spirit and all the benefits we have in Him by studying Andrew’s teaching The New You & The Holy Spirit

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6 thoughts on this article:

  1. Diane LaMonica commented on May 13, 2019 at 7:43 pm:

    sometime could you have on your Bible study someone who has given a message in tongues with interpretation during a church service, I’d love to know what they experience. I’ve heard in done in Bob & Rob Yandians church, I’d love to know how to flow in that

    • social media commented on May 16, 2019 at 7:44 am:


      We appreciate your suggestion, and we want to thank you so much for being a part of our online Bible study audience each week. Also, we’d like to let you know that you can watch a past Bible study with our guest speaker Bob Yandian by visiting our website. In addition, we encourage you to check out Andrew’s free online resources of his teaching “How To Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit.” You can find these resources for free by visiting this link: . We hope that you enjoy, and please let us know if you have any further questions. God bless! – AWMI Team

  2. Catherine maseko commented on May 14, 2019 at 11:20 am:

    So educative

    • social media commented on May 16, 2019 at 7:35 am:


      Thank you so much for your post! If you’d like to read Andrew’s free article on “The Holy Spirit,” we encourage you to check it out here: . Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. We are happy to further assist you. – AWMI Team

  3. Madison Grace commented on May 24, 2019 at 5:40 pm:

    Yes! This is so good.

    • social media commented on May 29, 2019 at 10:29 am:


      Thank you so much for sharing your feedback! We are glad to hear that you have been encouraged by this article. If you’d like, we also would love for you to hear Andrew’s past television broadcast on “The Holy Spirit.” You can learn why the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is an absolute necessity! Living the abundant life that Jesus provided is impossible without it. Find out more here: . God bless you! – AWMI Team

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