The Message Behind the Music: An Interview with the Murens

Andrew Wommack sat down with Robert and Elizabeth Muren—the creators of the musical The Heart of Christmas—and Jamie Wommack on the Gospel Truth broadcast. The Murens’ hearts are to provide a tool through their productions and books for capturing people’s attention and showing them God’s love. In this special interview, Andrew and the Murens discuss how they first met and their shared passion to spread the Gospel in a simple way.

Andrew Wommack: So, how did we connect? How did God put all of 
us together?

Elizabeth Muren: We had been missionaries in Israel for ten years. We were working with musicals, and we started working on a film when we started listening to you. You rocked our world, and we really got so inspired by your teachings. You’d wonder why people can’t stick to what the Bible says when they’re telling stories from it, because the stories are so rich and well written. Why do they have to invent other things? So, I just thought, Wow, it would be a great thing to have if you and your ministry could help us make sure that we really stick to the Truth and to the important message. So, that’s how we contacted you. We met you and gave you our DVDs of what we’ve 
done before.

AW: I got your DVD of The Covenant, which is a musical that Robert and Elizabeth put together when they were missionaries in Israel because they couldn’t preach the Gospel. Well, there were restrictions on preaching the Gospel, so you used music to do it. And it was just so awesome! It was so powerful that I remember asking if you would come here to Woodland Park. This was in 2014.

Robert Muren: Yeah, we came with our four kids, and we had thirty-five suitcases full of costumes with us. And we moved into a building here, and we spent two to three weeks of intense rehearsing with your people—with the Charis Bible College students. And we set up the first performance of God with Us.

AW: So, why don’t you give a little bit of background. What is the storyline of the musical The Heart of Christmas?

EM: The Heart of Christmas is the story of a woman called Ruth, and Jamie is Ruth—a beautiful Ruth. And this woman lives in the year 2000, and she has this crazy family like most of us have. And she’s trying to find a way of giving them the true heart of Christmas because they lost it along the way. So, she starts telling the story of her life. She takes the audience on a journey through time from 2000 to the ’40s when Ruth was brought to America from Europe during World War II.

Then she was adopted by an American mom and brought to America where we see her first Christmas and the first time she sees a Christmas tree. Her parents give her a gift. That gift is The Servant King book. So, Ruth starts reading this story of the fourth wise man, and throughout the musical, we meet her when she’s in her twenties, when she’s in her forties, and when she’s in her sixties. We see her family’s life from Christmas to Christmas, and we see how this book impacts the family through the things they go through. So, yeah. It’s a beautiful story.

Check out the full interview here. You can also purchase the Heart of Christmas Package, which includes the Servant King book and the Heart of Christmas DVD. Get your DVD online today, and start a new family tradition with this unforgettable story!

Written by Aria Fischer

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Note: this interview has been edited for length and clarity.


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