Ministry Blog

The Message Behind the Music: An Interview with the Murens

Andrew Wommack sat down with Robert and Elizabeth Muren—the creators of the musical The Heart of Christmas—and Jamie Wommack on the Gospel Truth broadcast. The Murens’ hearts are to provide a tool through their productions and books for capturing people’s attention and showing them God’s love. In this special interview, Andrew and the Murens discuss how they first…

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A Sneak Peek at Christmas

One Christmas Eve, my dad agreed to let my sisters and me sleep in the downstairs family room on our grandparents’ sleigh bed, the bed he put together each time my grandparents visited. They hadn’t arrived yet, so it was all ours. Once we were bathed and in our pajamas, we crawled into that magical…

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Shared Experience—It’s the Heart of Christmas

I was six years old the year I found a long, rectangular package with my name on it under the Christmas tree. The box was wrapped in candy cane-stamped, pine-green paper, and inside was a doll. She had caramel-colored hair, a white blouse, and a red, Scottish-plaid beanie and skirt. I named her Tammy. After…

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