Ministry Blog

Debt Free Celebration 2021—Garage Payoff

Is there anything too difficult for God? Absolutely NOT!  In 1972, Andrew Wommack submitted to the call of God to be a teacher of the Word. By 1980, he and his wife Jamie had moved their ministry to the Colorado Springs area. It wasn’t until the early nineties that God spoke to Andrew about starting a Bible college, and in September of 1994, Charis Bible College…

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Discover Opportunities to Worship with Us!

Praise ye the Lord. Praise ye the Lord from the heavens: praise him in the heights.  — Psalm 148:1  What’s your worship like? Are you being transformed into the image of God, or conformed to the ways of this world? Psalm 148 reveals that God created us for worship and it’s no wonder when we consider the powerful impact. Not only does it drive away anxiety, depression, and stress, it also brings excruciating pain to the devil and wreaks havoc on his lies. Most importantly though, worship…

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Reflecting on Intimacy with Your Father

God created humans as social creatures, with a desire to be in community with each other. But in a world where we can maintain relationships over the internet, rather than in person, it’s easy to forget that God desires relationship with us, too.  That’s why Charis Bible College holds the Women Arise Conference every year!…

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