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You ARE a Winner

The gun had fired, and I was running for my life. At least it felt that way. In reality, it was a pop gun, and I was running with about thirty other girls, all jockeying for positions as we settled in for our three-mile race. I fell into my normal place near the back. I…

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How to Call “Good” Good

Did you know that there are people, perhaps many people, who call good evil and evil good (Is. 5:20)? How does that happen? I would venture to say that some folks adopt such thinking purposefully, while others come by it honestly. But whether these people know it or not, they have let the world relegate…

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Passport to Your Future

As a five-year-old girl, I knew exactly what I wanted: to live in Africa—as a missionary. Not really knowing what to do about that desire, I just went to school, did what my parents told me to do, and grew up. In my first year of college, however, I had an epiphany. The university path…

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