Passport to Your Future

Passport to Your Future

As a five-year-old girl, I knew exactly what I wanted: to live in Africa—as a missionary. Not really knowing what to do about that desire, I just went to school, did what my parents told me to do, and grew up.

In my first year of college, however, I had an epiphany. The university path was not for me. I wanted to fill up my passport! Hungry for direction, I began listening to Andrew Wommack’s message Hope and Imagination and those on finding, following, and fulfilling God’s will. I became so obsessed with the Word that it was all I wanted. So, I set my sights on Charis Bible College.

I signed up for my first Charis online course. For years, I had heard about Charis Missions School, and I was so excited to finally start this journey that would take me there and then to Africa. I thought I was just choosing my first class at random, but God placed me in the perfect first course: A Sure Foundation, taught by Andrew Wommack.

I knew Charis was what I needed when, in the first lesson, I heard Andrew say, “You don’t produce fruit; the Word does.” This is why I chose Charis. The Word of God is what produces life in me. My personality and even my passion for people cannot create or further my vision. If I want to see supernatural results, I have to have the Word of God as my root system.

This will take time and preparation before I can run off into the jungle. But when I get frustrated by the process, I go back to that first class where Andrew says, “We give the Word a place to dwell.” It’s that simple. Life isn’t about me anymore.

Rather than skip ahead and try to plan out my future, my responsibility is to let the Word of God grow in me and change me. I realized that, for believers, that’s where our stability comes from. It’s directly correlated to how much Word is in our hearts. When we understand that, then God can change people and nations through us, effortlessly.

This one class set such a solid foundation for my whole Charis experience. Through it, I saw that no education will give you life like the Word of God.

It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.

John 6:63, New King James Version

When my perspective shifted toward the Word, I started believing that good things are always coming. I had surprising amounts of patience built in me and became assured that God will still complete my vision even when it seems far off. That’s why this class is perfect to start out your Charis Experience. It provides exactly what the title says it does: a sure foundation for your entire life.

Still not sure if Charis is the right choice for you? Here’s some great news! You can now sign up for the online class A Sure Foundation for free. We want you to experience being taught in a Word-enriched environment with no strings attached.

For a limited time, go to and get started on your complimentary class today. And if you love it (which I know you will!), then enroll for the fall semester at Charis Woodland Park or at a campus near you! You can always continue through online or correspondence courses too, and get the same life-giving teaching. Get in the Word. It’s the passport to your future!


Charis Vision Week

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— Tune in for a special urgent message from Andrew! —

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