Recently Andrew Wommack sat down with Gordon Pettie of Revelation TV for an interview at the 2016 Grace and Faith Conference in the UK. Andrew shared with his host a broad range of things, like what he does to unwind, how he became a worldwide minister of the Gospel, and the testimony of his son…
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God’s Great Do-Over – Part 2
“Well, for many years, they told me it would not stand; I would eventually walk away from the Lord and go back into the gay life. Well, keep watching. I will not go back. I made a decision to stand with Christ, and I will until He takes me home with Him. I want to…
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Janet Boynes—author of Called Out, Arise: The Journey from Fear to Faith, and The Top 10 Questions Regarding Same-Sex Attraction—described how God called her out of the darkness of homosexuality and drug addiction and into the light. It began when Janet was young. She was raised in a family of seven children fathered by four…
Read this articleFrom Escaping Death to Inspiring Life
“When I was a little girl, I had recurring dreams of a baby in the womb who was fighting for her life. I could tell this baby was in pain and literally felt her pain and heard her screams. It troubled me, but I let it go for several years. Then somebody told me that…
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