You’ve Got a Story, and It’s Better than You Think!
Your life is a story that has a beginning, a middle, and an end. And because it’s a journey, you won’t end up where you began. But did you know that God wants to be involved in writing your story?
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.
Ephesians 2:10
God has ordained you for good works and wants to guide you into fulfilling the purpose He created you for.
In every good story, the main character must arrive at a threshold,a place of entering or beginning.God prepares each one of us so He can bring us to these thresholds.
Most of us experience hurt, disappointment, anger, or betrayal during childhood, often resulting in an internalvow—I’ll never let that happen again.Our natural response to pain or suffering is to build a fortress around our heartsandclench our fists emotionally. But God wants to lead us back to that vulnerable place and to ask us to open our hands and cross the threshold to a new beginning.
Only by crossing that threshold will things dramatically change in your life.
Many times,I’ve witnessed people who’ve been brought to the threshold yet never crossed it. It’s a sad thing to see because breakthrough is always on the other side of obedience.
During my time working at Andrew Wommack Ministries in the televisiondepartment, I’vegotten to hearmany people’s testimonies. And allofthe stories I’ve filmed[Equation]such as the healing journey of Niki Ochenski—have hinged around a defining moment when a threshold is crossed. It’s in that moment that the personreceives their healing, restoration, or financial breakthrough—and their life is radically changed forever.
God is writing the story of your life, but it’s not going to happen automatically. It’s up to you to yield to Him and be willing to cross the threshold.
Maybe you’re a single parent, a veteran, a student, abrother, or a housewife, and you’ve underestimated your story.But the reality is that your story is influencing those around you, whether you realize it or not.
Have you found yourself at a threshold that God is asking you to cross?I recommend crossing it. The best moments in my own life have been the moments when I chose to step across those thresholds.
Watch heartwarming stories of God at work in real people’s lives that willencourage you to cross the thresholds.
Stephen joined Andrew Wommack Ministries in 1999 and is executive producer of Television and Media Production. He was instrumental in launching Andrew Wommack’s Gospel Truth daily television broadcast in 2000. Stephen attended Bethany Bible College before graduating from Arizona State University with a Bachelor of Arts in English. He is an award-winning author, a ghostwriter, an inspirational speaker, and a seasoned television producer—essentially a storyteller. Stephen is passionate about helping people discover their story in Christ.
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