Healed by the Word 

Open Bible on wood table, Healed by the Word

You’ve probably heard the expression “break a leg,” used to wish actors luck before performing.

 Though Michael Schutz is a regular actor in many of our Charis Bible College productions, he would be the first to tell you luck isn’t what got him through the biggest battle of his life

Michael was born with extreme food allergies and later diagnosed with asthma. After eating most foodshe would break out in hivesDue to his difficulty breathing, he couldn’t play sportsHe got used to a restricted diet, but he grew tired of watching his older brothers live the active life that he too desired to live.

Sickness was robbing Michael of a normal, carefree childhood, and seeing no way out, his parents accepted it as fate. But that’s when their friends Colin and April Carr, graduates of Charis, introduced them to Andrew Wommack’s Bible teachings on grace and faith and the love of God.

After spending countless hours reading Scripture and listening to Andrew, the Schutz family became convinced that God wanted Michael well.

Invited to a healing event by a neighbor, Michael went up for prayerThat night, Michael’s family chose to stand on the truth they learned from AWM’s Healing Journeys videosthat healing was already provided through Jesus’ finished work on the cross. Knowing this truth was the first step to winning the fight. After eating regular foodMichael still broke out in hives, but this time his parents stood firmThey chose to continue speaking healing scriptures over their son’s body. 

Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed” (emphasis added).

After a few months of putting his faith in Gods Word with his parentsMichael was free of all symptoms! Today he is whole and living his life free from the shackles of sickness. 

Thanks to our free materials, made possible by our generous supporterscountless people just like Michael have had their lives transformed by the truth of God’s WordFriends and partners, it wasn’t luck that healed Michael, it was teachings on the Word of God made available by supporters like you!  

Join us in taking the Gospel as far and as deep as possible. 


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