Ministry Blog

Shaping Your Future

God has given you the responsibility to oversee your own life.  Even though it’s our responsibility, we can rely on God’s grace, God’s promises, God’s Word, God’s nature inside us, and the Holy Spirit to guide and comfort us along the way. We can all choose the direction of our lives. Praise God!  Since we…

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Charis Vision Expands

O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Now also when I am old and grayheaded, O God, forsake me not; until I have shewed thy strength unto this generation, and thy power to everyone that is to come.  Psalm 71:17–18  The Lord has used Psalm…

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Take Time for God

Ministry is a rewarding calling, and ministers are blessed by God to do His work on this earth. Yet ministers often find themselves burned out and struggling to remember the desire for ministry they had at the beginning of their journey.  If this sounds like you, then you need to make time for the Lord…

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Success in Business — God’s Way

Hearing the call of God on your life can be a miraculous experience, but it can be difficult knowing how and when to pursue that call. Fortunately, the Business School at Charis Bible College provides both a biblical foundation and cutting-edge business strategies that equip people to overcome such a challenge.  Dana Ecklund, a graduate…

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A New Development 

On May 11, Andrew Wommack, teachers and staff of Charis Bible College, and members of the Charis community came together to celebrate the school’s next big project — on-campus housing! The goal is to make it easier for students to attend Charis, follow their call, and take the Gospel as far and deep as possible. …

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Debt Free Celebration 2021—Garage Payoff

Is there anything too difficult for God? Absolutely NOT!  In 1972, Andrew Wommack submitted to the call of God to be a teacher of the Word. By 1980, he and his wife Jamie had moved their ministry to the Colorado Springs area. It wasn’t until the early nineties that God spoke to Andrew about starting a Bible college, and in September of 1994, Charis Bible College…

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Don’t Limit God: 20 Years Later

Everyone knows about Andrew’s first, and greatest, revelation from God that he received on March 23, 1968. But you might not remember his second greatest revelation. This one took place on January 31, 2002—twenty years ago! At the time, Andrew Wommack Ministries had gotten to a place where it wasn’t a struggle to stay afloat financially, and Andrew had begun to enjoy just coasting.  However, on…

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Redeeming Love Ministers to Orphans in War-Torn Congo

It was 1996 and war had broken out in the African Congo. The years of cruel leadership from the dictator Muboto had caused neighboring groups and tribes to ally against him in a rebellion. These groups were survivors and refugees of the Rwanda genocide that had happened just next door a few years earlier. At…

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New Covenant Worship

Two New Music CDs Praise is not the inevitable byproduct that comes when everything is going right in our lives; it is the driving force. Praise and worship will get our focus where it needs to be—on God. If we start praising God in the middle of our problems, our problems will shrink so much…

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Record Growth Despite Worldwide Pandemic

Not only were the Andrew Wommack Ministries offices and Charis Bible College locations able to stay in operation during lockdown, but the ministry grew in record numbers of students, staff, and in giving! How would you describe Andrew Wommack Ministries and Charis Bible College during a worldwide pandemic and lockdown?  Undaunted. “No germ can touch…

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