Karamoja—An Opportunity for the Gospel

Reception committee of Karamojong children with real bows and arrows used for hunting.

After years of visiting Uganda and preaching in their churches, the Lord began stirring Andrew’s heart for more. Andrew asked one of his contacts there to take him to a place he’d never been, a place where the people had never heard of the Gospel. Soon he was flying into another world—the world of the Karamojong.

The first time Andrew visited Karamoja, he was not only astounded by the abject poverty of its people but frustrated with his inability to adequately share the Gospel with them. “How do you tell a people about the wonder of God’s goodness when they’ve never heard of Jesus? They don’t know what the crucifixion is, they’ve never heard of Israel or the Law, they know nothing outside of their village. I remember leaving that place thinking, God have we accomplished anything good here? Although half of them prayed to receive Christ, I don’t know if they knew what they were doing,” Andrew recalls.

Confiding in his friend and contact there, Andrew said, “Francis, you’ve got to help me. This is not making disciples.” But as promised, the Lord had gone before Andrew (Is. 45:2), preparing hearts, developing plans, and working out details. Francis replied, “God has already spoken to me. I’ve resigned from my church, and I’m ready to start traveling throughout Uganda with Discipleship Evangelism. If you want, I’ll come to Karamoja too.”

Partnering with Andrew Wommack Ministries in Uganda, Pastor Francis Tumusiime began traveling to remote villages around Karamoja with the Jesusmovie and Discipleship Evangelism tools. The movie gave his audiences a reference point for the Gospel, while Discipleship Evangelism gives them step-by-step instruction in the Word. To date, thousands of people are being discipled all over Karamoja. Even though most cannot read or write, Francis and his team don’t allow that to stop the spread of hope and truth—they share the Gospel in the oral tradition of the Old Testament. With this kind of growth, in two years 1.2 million people will have been discipled!

“Forty-three years ago, the Lord spoke to my heart to start making disciples. That’s why I became a teacher. Second Timothy became my mantra—”

Thou therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. [2] And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.

2 Timothy 2:1-2

“Now we have a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to reach a basically unreached people with the Gospel,” Andrew shares. “But not only are we preaching the Gospel in a way these people can understand; we are teaching their churches how to prosper and care for the people. We are bringing aid and resources they would otherwise never receive. We’re providing water filters and medicines, developing plans to drill wells, working to introduce them to aquaponics or other sustainable farming techniques, as well as teaching them simple business skills and supplying them with micro loans.”

Mark Rowe shaking hands with Pastor Moses at one of the intended project sites for well drilling.

Mark Rowe, our director of International Operations said, “Watching what God is accomplishing in Karamoja is simply amazing. Because they are a communal people, we are able to go in and disciple an entire village at one time. We want to use that attitude to prosper the whole community so they can provide their own schools, their own hospitals, and their own businesses—all on the principles they are learning in the Word of God. Then we can take that model and translate it into any country in the world!”

This really is a wonderful opportunity to see multiple nations changed for the glory of God. Join us today!


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